Premier Veterinary Medical Group

Premier Veterinary Medical Group remains committed to providing the best care to our valued patients during this unprecedented period.
Main Hospital:
When you arrive at the Main Hospital, we ask that you stay in your car and call or text our front desk.
When the doctor is ready to see your pet, a doctor assistant will call you on your personal cell phone to notify you.
Please be sure to enter the building with a mask. Only one client and their pet can come in at a single time.
Central Vets Mineola:
We ask that you stay in the waiting room while the assistant takes your pet into the exam room. Your pet's veterinarian will come and speak with you about your pet's visit.
Bayside Animal Clinic:
When you arrive for your appointment please call us to check in from your car. You will be directed by the receptionist to either enter at that time, or you will be given a call back to let you know when the assistant is ready for you and your pet to come in.
In order to limit the amount of people in our waiting room, we ask that only one person enter the clinic with their pet.
The assistant will bring your pet into the exam room while you wait up front. Your pet's veterinarian will come and speak with you about your pet's visit.
Please continue to call in food or medication requests ahead of time. We will take payment over the phone and prepare medications before your arrival.